Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Carlo Ratti redesigning pixels and architecture

Take Aways

I took away from Carlo Ratti’s TED Talk that our world is very reliant on sensing what is around us and will eventually help us gain a better understanding of it. This is already being achieved in networks monitoring city’s call density and concentration. I also learned that cities occupy only 2% of the earth’s crust but consume 75% of it’s energy, emit 80% of it’s CO2 emmisions, and house 50% of the worlds population. I learned that tasks can be categorized into sensing and actuating.

Speaking/presenting techniques
Carlo had some very effective techniques including showing alot of visual aids on the screen. He talked very clearly and made sure to connect everything back to his original point and his main focus. On the screen he was displaying video representations of his ideas and innovations because they were very hard to understand without actually seeing the implementation. He also talked in sync with the video, while the video was playing he was bringing up descriptions and stories that directly dealed with what was playing on the screen at that moment. He also talked with pace, he didn’t speed up or slow down drastically at all the whole duration of the speech. The only thing distracting from the quality of the speech could perhaps be overuse of the slides on the screen. The non-video slides were for the most part extraneous but otherwise his speech conveyed it’s point with zero error.
Application to education/me
His idea not as much as the creativity it took to get there is what could shape education in the future. He looked at digital pixels on a screen and saw so much more potential. He then had the forethought to innovate and design his own never before thought of 3-D pixels. He thought that the pixels themselves could move and thought of new mediums(like water). This kind of repurposing is what will really become necessary in a world of changing needs as it transitions into the conceptual age.
This was very interesting because most people want pixels to become smaller and smaller and restricted the term to small crystals in a computer screen. He had the mind to challenge what other people had established as the way it had to work and came up with architecture that changed the way many people thought about art and architecture. This needs to be a important part of the conceptual age because it will be implemented in everyones lives where they can see it everyday. I think that this could expediate the shift for some reluctant people. The only way that some people will accept that times are changing is to surround them with it in their lives and make it seem normal.

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